He stood with an idiotic smile to hear his sentence be revoked due to insanity. The court room was outraged as the judge just let a serial rapist off due to insanity rather than serving 2 life sentences. The victims that had been raped and gruesomely murdered then raped again to the point that the women had to be identified by their dental records. The family members that identified them had to see a psychologist to help ease the images of their loved ones skulls being crushed to a pulp by a hammer or sometimes just his fists.
The rapist then turned to his lawyer and whispered "Holy shit, you are a magic man. I even began to believe that i was insane." The lawyer was proud to have the highest rate of won cases in the state of Virginia. "Well sonny, they dont pay me the big bucks for nothing, enjoy the rest of your life being catered to while everyone works their asses off." replied the lawyer. "Haaha" like ill have a problem with that, he responded. He was then escorted by 3 policemen as they walked him to an ambulance in handcuffs. The crowds of photographers and journalist covered the sidewalk as they tried to get information of the official highest rape count man that set the record by 12 women, with a total of 47 rapes and 27 murders.
The rapist was strapped to a wheelchair including a muzzle to prevent any biting to the officers. He was rolled up and the doors slammed shut behind him. It was 7 at night and the sun was about to set, the judge went up to the lawyer and gave him a smile and said "Justice will always be served, ill be sure of it". The lawyer then slowly smiles as he watches the ambulance drive off into the Virginia night.
The rapist's name was Henry, he was surprisingly young for these types of chases but what he lacked in age he made up for pure rage. Henry was just turned 27 and he worked at the saw mill all his life. Henry would dress up as a scarecrow and hide in peoples attics and waited til they would come home. He then would take the women or young boys on some occasions and bind them then placed them in a burlap sack and carried them to his truck. His basement had 16 of the bodies, the others were either around highways or behind gas stations. The men often worked late hours in the towns coal mine and would leave their wives alone til 5 in the morning sometimes, making women easy to abduct in the middle of the night.
On the way to the asylum the guards didn't say a word. They just held their shotguns and looked nervous. "I wouldn't suppose y'all are afraid of me now" said Henry through his muzzle. The guard scoffed "Son you are as stupid as you are crazy, do you know where you are going"? "Some shitty hospital out in the city" said Henry. "No not a hospital, technically this place doesn't exist" said the guard with a hush tone. Henry was amused until the guard said that, he felt something painfully true about that statement, something awfully true.
The ambulance drove for 3 hours on the lone road without seeing even one passing car. Henry knew he was still in Virginia but he completely had no idea where he was going. His straps began to cut into him and he began to be nervous when the ambulance slowed to a stop at this chain linked fence in the middle of the road. Suddenly two big spotlights appeared 20 feet off the ground and shined a blinding fluorescent light; two military grade guards approached with heavy machine guns and asked for identification. The driver then shown the guard a big badge with all necessary information. The guard then went back to his companion and they opened the gate and the ambulance continued to drive into the night.For 15 minutes they drove until they stopped again but this time they were at what seemed to be a city almost. It was the wooden asylum with all 7 floors lit and big heavy doors and windows with metal bars.
Henry was wheeled in and the guards followed shotguns raised. This doctor approached him and the guards with a clipboard in hand. The guards left and two assistants came in odd gowns, not like hospital gowns but thick leather clothes as if they were handling sharp objects or dealt with a messy task. The doctor then looked at Henry through his big glasses and stared. "I suppose you think you cheated death, am i right? Do you think you are clever? All those women being raped and murdered and the world will send you to a hospital to get better, because you are worth more than them right?! Well, to die on death row would be like being in the frying pan and to be sent here..... well you just fucking jumped into the fire my friend." He then injected Henry in the neck and smiled as he faded in and out of consciousnesses until he fell under the darkness.
Henry woke up in this room and he was gagged and tied down on a stretcher. His wrists and ankles were bound with zip ties while he lied naked on the cold stretcher. The room he was in was a single light bulb that had a green tint that only covered him. He could see the walls and floors hardly and he saw a few figures in the corner writing down and mumbling something. The walls had news paper clippings and papers as well as pictures of what appeared to be plague victims and car wreck victims along other deformities. These pictures and papers literally covered more than half the wall in front of him, his eyes adjusted from the drugs and also the terrible lighting that gave him a headache. The doctors concluded talking to each other and they motioned over to someone who brought in a TV.
The TV was static for a few minutes but suddenly cut on. The TV was showing a group of doctors hovering over a person as they operated on the abdominal area. The person was a thin woman and she appeared to not be under any anesthesia for her screams were blood chilling as she floundered around on the table. She was also bind the same way with zip cords on her wrists and ankles. The screen then cut over to some doctors talking about a chemical agent they would inject into your spinal cord, and that how it was meant to strengthen the core and DNA make up of a person but the test subjects experienced terrible side-affects. In fact, the injection didn't actually work but something so terribly wonderful was discovered. Instead of building a stronger race of humans they made a completely different set; except this new race has yet to evolve to a sustainable state. The skin was pale and was like a thick leather jacket, the spine grew so great that the subjects had to hunch over; also their teeth grew due to calcium growth and also the eyes turned completely black. Apparently the subjects would turn blind.

The TV then changed gears from a group of doctors to a the same woman on the stretcher in a dark room that had a long hallway at the end which led to another door. She screamed as loud as she could and stained so hard that her wrist were starting to bleed. This loud buzz rang and a door opened, there was a tall man hunched over and just sat there for a few minutes. The hallway was so long you could only make out a figure but it was obviously tall and thin. The woman tried her best to hold back her tears as if she didnt want to be heard but slowly this thing slunk low and walked over to her. This wasnt a person, it was given the chemical agent that lead to this. It then made a loud bellow and ran around frantically flailing its arms and jumping around. The woman then screamed and the thing then stopped and looked in her direction. Suddenly it bursted at her at a sprint and felt around. It then proceeded to bit the feet off the woman at the ankles with a bite then tear motion. Its fingers then felt around to find her face which was screaming in pain and terror. It's long gnarly fingers then gauged out her eyes with its thumbs while it slammed her head against the stretcher. She was still screaming but in a more dull tone. It then found her mouth and stuck its whole hand in her throat, with a slight moment of struggle then her lower jaw cracks and tears off with a sudden jolt. Her tongue was completely exposed and moved frantically, the thing finally grasped her tongue and tore off with its sharp teeth. Half an hour later there was hardly anything left other than hair and pulp of her bones and muscle. The tape stopped and Henry knew that what he was about to be or whats left at least.
Henry laid there thinking of all the women he had raped and murdered, he thought how they must have felt when they were under his sickening power. He was in complete terror and couldnt stop shaking. The doctors then rolled his stretcher down to this bland vacant room with a long hallway at the end of it. Henry cried and yelled for mercy. The doctors left the room and locked the door. Henry just sat in darkness for a long period of time, but he knew what was coming, this evil that he once lived that is now going to be returned. He turned at looked at the two way mirror and damned the people that were about to put him in this hell.
The doctor watches as a man approaches from behind, he then turns and greets him. The doctor then motions toward a red button on a dashboard. The man pushes it and the sound of the loud buzz comes on and the room opens at the end of the hall. The man turns and walks out but before he leaves the doctor says "Drive home safe, your honor."