In this light as i searched i also found darkness or shall i say it found me. It was as if was a smudge on a wall that slowly grew to completely embrace me in its bitter presence. With this genius of thought also came the obligation of the knowledge of true unspeakable evil that only i could see. I could know about anything within a few minutes of deep thought, its all there, in my mind; But that is what scares me the most that even with pure love comes pure hate. Nothing can exist with out its opposite even darkness, for without light darkness cannot lurk on the outskirts and mourn its terrible screams as they slowly echo into oblivion.
This thing i have been given which some call a gift i call a curse, it is true what they say about the stupid being blissfully engaged in life, that ignorance is bliss, if only they knew that in the night something stalks and breathes its horrid breath down your neck as you sleep. If only they could wake to see this puppet master of dreams hovering above orchestrating the dreams that haunt us forever. My only advice is this, Dont wake up, not now not ever. Enjoy the dreams of what could be instead of living in what will never come.
I made the mistake..... once
and now i cant go back to my innocence of ignorance as many live if not everyone. I awoke in a cold sweat in a sobering consciousnesses that i realized that i was paralyzed to even my breath halted. I could see around me as i laid in complete terror that i wasnt alone. In the corner hunched a tall dark figure that was not of this world. It crawled over to me with a idiotic smile baring hundreds of teeth while its eyes, its infinitely voided black eyes stared right at me. I thought of many things and especially God. The pale demon hovered over and fixed its black eyes on mine and said with a slurring hiss as if it tried to speak for the first time. It stuck out its long wet tongue and licked my face as i whimpered and said "I am in control". I closed my eyes as its face came within inches of mine and all i could hear in my mind was "Go back to sleep". I kept them closed and i awoke hours later in the afternoon.
I didnt instantly remember what had happened, things flashed throughout the day and finally it struck me what had happened. I embrace sleep as others see it as rest, i see it as an escape. So late at night when you fade in and out of this world remember one thing, that as these terrors haunt and chase you in your dreams that waking up only makes those nightmares a reality.