My Grandfather didnt talk much, nor did he smile. He was very sick after my Grandmother died and never seemed to be himself ever since. He use to love to tell jokes and stay up late and eat candy but he seemed sick and tired and didnt like to talk much either. I was in college and looking after him when he got dementia a few years ago. He normally never made sense when he spoke but i still tried to listen hoping one day he would say my name again, but he wouldnt. A few years past and i was working my first job while living with my Grandfather and my boyfriend was when i realized about "Susan" or the "black bride" as the towns people called her. Apparently my grandfather had an affair a long time ago to this woman who was emotionally unstable. After some time she grew very close to him and wanted to get married, my grandfather then realized how much he loved his wife and never wanted to see Susan again. She was very angry and ill so she tried to prove her love to him by stalking him. One day my grandfather caught her outside in the barn and she threatened to kill my grandmother unless he left her for Susan. My Grandpa tricked the woman by saying he would marry her at midnight the next night by the lake. She met him there dressed in a black gown ready to be married and he came with rope and a large rock. Being so in love she didnt realize he was about to drown her in the lake which he did. He tied her to a large rock and threw her in the lake. She fought hard but still she sank. The town people reported her a missing persons and has yet to go unsolved. My Grandfather told me all of this right before he died say that her ghost has haunted him all these years. I just took it as more of his dementia talk and held his hand. He died the next day. While at his funeral the next week i noticed something in one of the pictures of my grandparents. I held the picture and felt the cold shock of terror as i seen the this Susan that has haunted my grandfather for years, im not sure what to think but all i know is that it is awfully creepy.