Welcome to Nuke Bunker Atlantis 1.... How was your descent? ...... Please take fifteen minutes in our "decompression" Chamber ....

Hello Sir! "
Hey Jef, what can you pick up on my data" I sighed.. Large amounts of radio and gamma frequencies ... Approximately 32 years til surface life sustainability....
"Damn.. i thought i had it this time, guess not.." I whispered
(Dr. Andrew.. Come down to lab floor one... Its important), blared the intercom.
Jeffrey come along and bring the data.
Kyle approached me ... "We need to see the results if we want to continue this project, we need to start putting life on D7 (delta 7) ". We cant do it, tests came back and still hazardous, nothing would live long enough to see the results.. i said. He paused.... .. "I know... thats why we need to test them here".
"We cant test them here! Who knows how dangerous that can be!?" ... Doc.. Im not asking you, im telling. We are doing it here. The board room got quite and the tension raised. .... I sighed.. Keep your freaks away from my engineering lab, Bio lab is all yours.. i said sharply while leaving.
I went back to my office an drew up some plans for my Engineering lab. "Jeffrey.. finish my work D7.. im working on something new." I closed the blinds and looked the air tight doors around the lab and began work on a defense module.... a weapon active defense module for my High Pressure Water Suit and i also added Gamma Resistant Amour ... I was going to live on Delta 7
After a few hours my suit was upgraded. I loaded my Sub with all necessary equipment need to start life back on land. On the surface... since the day of the black sun..... the end of time.... Nuked world. I have no idea what to expect up there. We have just been checking ground samples on the outskirts of town but never have we had clearance to enter the city. I wonder whats left? Maybe some life still exists up there.... or what is left of the life i knew. According to my testings im pretty sure this will be a lonely city.

Tess woke me up and the subs windshield was lit up with the orange waste of the atmosphere... we were on the surface. Doc... we are here.. she said nervously. I got up and programmed my armor and helped Tess with hers. I picked up my assault rifle attachment and added it to my armor, Tess looked at me through her mask of lights and colors and lights with her eyes wide.... "Youve no idea what could be up here huh?" she questioned. I looked at her with a serious look and shook my head..... "Theres something I need to tell you" i shamefully said, "You know those creatures in the inventory lab drumbs... Well ... we didnt make them..... we.... I..... Found them." i choked out. "We just upgraded them to function to our will, I know... Im sorry". She didnt seemed to be phased but i knew she was hurt. "It doesnt surprise me compared to everything else going on" she said in a hashed tone. She continued to finish applying her upgrades and i searched for a place to dock. She finished and i docked, we got out to see the city of old times and the effect of radiation had on it.

"WHAT IS THAT!?" She screamed."... Its a symbol of some kind or maybe a landmark" i whispered. Im not going to lie, the thing was disgusting, it was about 10 feet tall and hung to what it seemed to be about 4 different peoples remains constructed in a crucifix fashion. There was still fresh remains that still was moist in maroon liquid and oozed a slight orange color. This was fascinating to find not only fresh remains but a oddly religious remembrance of the old society. Then again a feeling came over me that this morbid statue was not of a godly people.... maybe the opposite.... not for god and not people.

I calculated my ammo to the number of hooded things and realized i would run out before i could have killed half of them. I turned on Tess's hearing program but not her voice communicator and spoke softly but firm. "Listen, we need to leave now, i cant have you making any noise, just listen and follow close" ... she looked at me with wide eyes and nodded. I peaked over the hill again and a cold chill shot down my spin. Nothing but terror quaked in my soul as i saw what was to find not just a few but all of the hooded things looking at me with their blank and empty face staring with an evil beam. They began to shriek and flail as they ran towards us. I took Tess and we ran across the landscape what was now hell on earth. The hooded things were gaining and we had no clue where to go until we reached the city. We ran through a few building and locked as many door behind us as we could until we were exhausted. We came to rest at the bottom of a stair well as we gasped for air.
We were in the cavity of the hell hole of the city. No lights were on and we couldnt see but strange sounds surrounded us and we knew we werent alone. Not even being watched but among the sounds. I set my weapons upgrade on and it caused a light to come on my suit. I realized i forgot to turn on Tess's voice program but more importantly she was no longer with me. I was alone but more importantly so was she and who knew what else lurked in the darkness other than what I have already seen. The last time I saw her was when we were catching our breath for 15 minutes. If only i had remembered to turn on her voice program she would have still been with me. None the less I had a plan to find her, her suit was an Aegis 7 model, a model i helped make and purposely made tracking beacons for situations just like this. I just hope this wasteland would give me enough time to find her before it swallows the last bit of sanity I had. Then I remembered about Kyle and his experiment in the UNWB with those creatures. I needed to warn them but Tess is first priority, She is my responsibility and I couldn't let anything happen to her.
I climbed the stairs and reached the top of the hollowed building of bleak dread. I looked out at the smeared painting of the horizon and felt despair and yet slight interest. The possibility is still there and not all is lost. The driving motivation was only to redeem my sins and wipe clean my hands that were covered in Tess's blood. I needed to save her, not just for her but also for my conscience and well being. If I lose her..... I would be losing apart of myself in eternal despair.
The sun was setting and I knew I wouldnt able to find her with my supplies i brought along. I needed to go back to the UNWB and bring up a well equipped team. We could now test the subject up on D7 since life could be sustained. So much was need down below before I would be doing Tess any good. It tore me up inside but i had to leave her but it is so i could save her. Please forgive me Tess, I whispered as i set my course back down in the depths of the eternal dark waters. I sat in my sub for an hour hoping to see her come over the horizon but she never came. My head and body sunk down as I turned to leave back to the base. Im sorry... i kept saying to myself, and gently i descended into oblivion leaving Tess in a toxic world.
...........Im Sorry.....
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